Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

"The Unraveling" Cover

Lately, AnotherKid told me that there is some mysterious text in the letters in the album cover of “the Unraveling” (by Rise Against). So I asked myself what kind of text it is and what it is about. Finally, I am pretty sure to have figured it out. The text consists of parts of two lyrics from the album. (Alive and Well; 401 Kill) is the text. I found it pretty interesting. It makes somehow sense to me.

As I watch your life go up in flames You'll swear up and down you'd like to change

But when the sun sinks slowly into the sky Now you're right where you started again.

What's another day? I can feel these changes right before my eyes. I see a dying fire 

inside your eyes. Inside your eyes! When will you stop and realize the worth and value of your life?

As you suffocate yourself within this mindless nine to five. Wake up! There's more! [And your life is nobody's but yours]

Now's the time to rearrange your life. Live for something outside of your own mind. We all dream 

the same dream every night to burn the world that you call civilized. Alive and Well! I live to be alive. 

I live to always strive for something more. Alive and Well! I'll never understand the who, what, why or when 

of you tonight. We face the stares of judgment and almost everyday the shaking heads of disapproval say, 

"pray for you to give me something then find out that there was nothing left." recite the words inside (your heart)

My moniker is man
and I am rotten to the core

You‘re the new Revolution

What the hell is wrong with my country? I always thought people are too peaceful to start a riot when something is wrong. I thought they don’t protest because there always is some damage done.
I supposed that also to be the reason for putting right-wing extremists on a level with left-wing extremists. I was so damn wrong. There are shitloads of people who don’t see a problem with fighting for the things they believe in. The only problem is that they are a bunch of dumbfucks.

Someone started raiding football fan-busses last summer. It wasn’t even near to a stadium. But hey...there are fans of the enemy-football-club in that bus. Let’s go and kick their asses. I know that violence because of sports isn't new at all. That’s shame enough. But you can’t even debate about losing control when you are part of a big mass and so on and so forth, in this case. They attacked it on a shitty highway rest area and chased the bus afterwards.

Well, there are things people in my country protest against. There was something about protest in the newspapers lately.

No, wasn’t about not human rights violations. Only starry-eyed idealists do that. Nor it was about banks, either. Okay. There were protests, but they hardly had any effect. You got one guess left. War? Are you kidding me? No one has been caring about war since we call it “military invention”.

It was about the ban on alcohol in the local public transport. Strictly speaking, they only extended the ban from busses and the underground to the urban trains. That’s a reason to be angry, isn’t it? The 2000 “protesters” got royally drunk, an started a riot in the urban railway. And they learned something from the Arabian Spring. Facebook was used for organisation. In the end about fifty trains were harmed. Material damage: about 100000 €. People would be furious, if some antifascist movement did this for some kind of understandable reason. Am I really the only one who is fucking pissed about that kind of things? And why is there less discussion when brainless morons are rioting?

Argh! Every time when I think about trusting in the humankind something like this happens....

My moniker is man
and I am rotten to the core